Friday, May 10, 2013

Lake Tahoe - Day 5 - Friday 10th May

The final day of the COLT was at a much more relaxed pace than the previous four. It allowed us to recharge ourselves for the drive home. The morning was spent on individual activities, before we met for lunch overlooking the lake.

Cognac spent the morning catching up on his tan on the beach.
Excursions on the lake anyone?
After lunch we took a leisurely drive around Lake Tahoe. Lake Tahoe is the largest alpine lake in North America. Its depth is 1,645 ft (501 m), making it the second-deepest in the United States. The deepest is Crater Lake in Oregon, being 300 ft (91 m) deeper, at 1,945 ft (593 m) that we visited at the end of the NWOL.

Emerald Bay of Lake Tahoe
Fannette Island in Emerald BayThe island contains what is left of "Tea House", a building constructed by the owner of Vikingsholm, Mrs. Lora Josephine Knight. 
View across Lake Tahoe from the northern shore
As the drive neared its close, I made a lame attempt to get a action photo of four of the cars rounding a curve with the lake in the background. Jerry, Lloyd, and Philippe/Francoise had turned off the road to admire the view a mile or two before the site I chose. The idea was to park my car by the side of the road with the lake behind, and then catch the three cars as they drove past, "pulling the trigger" as the drove past my car. Needless to say, as Chuck Goolsbee will remember from the SOL, such plans rarely work out. Before our cars drove by, a couple showed up in their red junker and parked it behind my car. The only way to get it out of the picture was to catch our cars as they passed in front of it. This made the timing rather tough....

Jerry was first to pass. I snapped a bit too early, so the red car is visible. Lloyd can be seen rounding the curve behind
I just about got LLoyd spot on! Hardly any of the red car is visible. Philippe and Francoise right behind
Finally I nailed it. No sign of the red car at all...
And so, came to an end, the 2013 COLT. Jerry headed for home around 5pm, with the rest of us staying for dinner at McDuffs. We all set off for home tomorrow, after a very enjoyable 5 days. I hope to drive over Tioga Pass on my return drive tomorrow if it opens as scheduled at noon. I will post photos if I am lucky enough to do so. I wish everyone a safe drive home, and hope to see them on a future xOL.

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